Friday, July 10, 2009


come here so we dont have to wear tights with every single outfit!
so we can surf with our standing men, so we can walk all night long till the sun rises till day. SO our hair will fade in the Sunshine, so my legs get as brown as my hair, so i can just enjoy the beautiful scene of the sun gleeming down on us !


my fate baby georgie.

i miss year nine but most of all i miss your beautiful face,

Lots of love, madi.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

pink and blue faces

my face goes pink when i talk to you. My face goes blue when i remember what i did wrong.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ive lost so many friends this year but i think it is good. im so much happier than ive ever been in ages. when people change and still stick beside you, its easy to see who really cares. because no matter how much you and your friends change, if its true friendship, i think you will love each other all the same and even more


im gonna start putting art up on here 

Monday, March 16, 2009

sometimes i think

in a little over 5 years time i will be 20 years old. i wonder where i will be and who with? 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

..and love begins

ahhhh its hailing! or snowing! i think it looks like snow but its loud like hail!awh, its over now
on other thoughts,  agyness is annoying shes everywhere. EVERYWHERE

Monday, March 9, 2009

ive been off school  for two days now because i am sick. watching some dumb movie on rialto about london and australia and trying to get this french dvd working that gaille bought us but it wont let me play it in my region. owwww, might bake a cake soon. probably wont eat it cos i dont like custard but it looks pretty in the photo anyway. its only 9 so i have the whole day to look forward to! i love being home alone sick..just left to do whatever i like and watch stupid talk shows like jeremy kyle and tyra. or waste all day on the internet! yours faithfully, george.

Friday, March 6, 2009

best night of my life to date.
veronicas were incrediable.
midnight youth were fucking A+++++++!
jeremys voice plus lady gaga was about the best thing ever
in town and we were like OGGZGZGOMG
i was telling my dad about it this morning and nearly cried cos i was so happy
hahahahah but didnt in front of him
went to my room and actually had tears in my eyes
fuckyes! bestbestbest night everrrrr!
and middle finger to you trace, mileys better lol
the veronicas were hot! 

Thursday, March 5, 2009


are a prick a pricless shit
and i didnt realise how much it wouldn't affect us by you not being in our life, and telling me that you didnt want to be my friend has turned out to be one of the best things in my life.
this year has been going really fucking great for us  you know,and i hope yours is going shit, cause it looks like it is to us! 
your loosing all your friends you tit
shame no one really likes you anymore more.
bye emo!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


til seeing the veronicas live :D Live! LIVELIVELIVE YE!  fuckyeah motherfucker, suck on thatttt!

jeremy kaponz, well hes a bit sexy isn't he?


Thursday, February 19, 2009

man i can never remember my stupid password for all these different things
im really looking forward to tomorrow night! its been so long since me and madi hanghang, 
coffee and moviessss yaaaay :))
my water is so nice and icey
schools getting bearable
im liking things right now
Add Image

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

blahaah its too cold for summer
im sitting here
in a scarf
and socks
and i still have goosebump
i love france and everything to do with it,
french movies
french accents
how romantic it is
french clothes
french music
cute little old french streets
french food
snowy xmas
pretty people

Sunday, February 15, 2009

lol last night i swallowed a coin and spent 6 hours in hospital.
yeah boy!
it feels strange in ma bellay

g to the e to the o to r-gi- to the eee

Saturday, February 14, 2009

fuck my catty was walking between the computer table and the couch and i patted it and it fell through the gap hehehehehe
to fringe
not to fringe?
mummah finished my skirt. and it looks really nice! and it only overall cost about $10! when the one in wild pair costed like 80! and it practically looks the same except my materials better, yeahhhyeahhyeahhh

Friday, February 13, 2009

looks like summers decided to take a hike!

i wish

i was pretty

Monday, February 9, 2009

man on bike

its like the bike is something you can rest on, but keep going. life isnt like that. you have to fuck up to get that real cool bike. But bikes are shit, so what does that make life? something shit? or is it just your imagination, thinking that the good bike equals a good life?

i want a brand new shitty bike!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

And here we go again
With all the things you said
And not a minute spent
To think that we'd regret
So we just take it back,
These words and hold our breath
Forget the things we swore we meant

I'll write you just to let you know that I'm alright
Can't say I'm sad to see you go
Cause I'm not.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

oh i had the weirdest dream last night. i was in this strange town with madi and these two guys were following us. i ran into this lady and she gave me a eftpos kind of card and i said to madi " i know what to do, ive had this dream before" and  i got to one of those machines where you get money out and i put the card in. but it was like a quiz. and the questions were like " you were born in june true or false", all these questions about me. then i was getting them all right but then it came up with "what is wrong with jimi hendrix?" and i didnt know what to write and all i could think of was that he was left handed. and the machine started to yell at me because i got it wrong, and it was like "HOW COME YOU DONT KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH JIMI HENDIRIX". i was really scared and i ran away and went and sat down by an old red phone box. and sitting behind the phone box was madis mum, but she had really long hair and i was so scared, cos she was acting all crazy and madi had gone, and idk why i was so scared but i woke up and my heart was beating like crazy, hahahahwtf.
mums making me a high waisted skirt today yayayayay ay ay ay 

Friday, February 6, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

i h
i ha
i hat
i hate
i hate m
i hate my
i hate my c
i hate my cl
i hate my cla
i hate my clas
i hate my class

taylor warren

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

well maybe you are shit

you probably are shit after all the things you've done.
i could make up so many sentences with shit in them about you.

your a bit shit.
you think your hot shit.
you are shit.
definition of shit- you.
you are cocksucking bullSHITing wanker.
you make me feel like shit
i dont think your worth shit
your a ugly shit
i miss the shit that you put me through.
fuck i actually like love you, shit.

love is a mirror

self reflect, look at yourself. will you find love towards you. or just a reflection, will you feel a heart? or just a lonesome box with a ' give away' sign on it. will you be someone thats worth love? or someone that needs love. I think its wierd that the only thing that life really honestly offers us is love. no matter how much we try and get out of it, we cant. even if its towards a cat, bird or even a human, you still love something..

i think zooey is gorgeous.


i love talking to my best friend on the phone. in a way im happy she had to leave for a while. cos now when she gets back itll just be really cool. but i miss her alot. and talking on the phone once a month usually isnt enough. sometimes we have really good conversations like tonight, and it makes me look forward to her coming back more. i love you grace even though you probably wont read this cos youre too cool for blogggga! im just so happy i have someone to call my bestfriend and really mean it

Monday, February 2, 2009

hahahahahaha i love to post shit that no one ever reads

school was pointless and dissapointing today.
excpect alot of nothing written here tonight self
i have a lot to say
and its all not worth reading
not that anyones reading this
lmao yeah, talking to myself on blogger again
omg someone read this,

feb 3rd

its funny when you like a song so much you listen to it like 10000000000 times a day and then you hate it. but then like a month later you like it again
or if a song is played on the radio too many times and you hate it then when it gets old you like it.
ive been listening to this song too many times but i still like it alot
ye this blog is pointless
like all my other ones, im not a deep person so dont expect anything complex on here,hahahaha.

isabelle mcnally

i really fucking love this girl. i dont think shes a model or anything, just like a 'new york doll' as i've heard. but she has the nicest natural look about her. and shes really tiny.

i went to sleep too late and woke up too early but im up to make my brother pancakes on his first day of intermediate :}


hi im georgie and i cant sleeeep. i have school tomorrow
eventually my computer will corrupt
thats when i know is time to go to bed 
and sleep.
last night i dreamed i was eating fish and chips but just the chips.
because i went to sleep craving it
i wanted to get up and make pasta but i didnt. im glad i had that chip eating dream cos my cravings were sastifyed. as ching says, 'i love satisfying my cravings'. lol i lovelove ching cos shes funny yo. 

Friday, January 30, 2009

to my dear madi

doesnt matter im staying in watching 13 by myself anyway,
pahabhahaahaha your loss.

dear g

sorry i cant be fucked doing anything today! its too hot and i cant be bothered. and i fell asleep! i love you forever and ever. so we on for tomorrow at all? or monday night?
sorrry love!

love you,



growing all my hair out like this. im sick of this stupid fringe.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

talking to

Jack Dargan, is probably the boringest most hardest person to talk to in your life. But you dont wanna stop talking to him, cause then it would be like.' FUCK, im not friends with dargan anymore'

this is a pretty pointless blog thing,

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


i think it's funny how i write to this but no one ever reads it but me, hahahaha or maybe sometimes madi. blogging is more interesting then keeping a diary though, so i will continuely have a one-way conversation with myself into cyberspace. 

uhm so, i baked cupcakes tonight. like i do every week,

and thaaats all folks. 

goodbye to home work..

reading the newspaper about a starting of no home-work. sitting realising that the ones you love are the only ones that you need. sitting to next to one of your closest friends in the world ( vick) and realising that thats all you need to get through the weeks and the shitty days when you need to talk to someone about how good your sleep was. Have to say that vicki you are such a fucking good friend, and so indeedly pretty.without you, i would have to say. life would be pretty shit.

And the times in year eight wouldnt be the same, cause we would of had to do homework alby ourself. and no one would be there to throw shitt plays at the hopes counters and BAMNNN. she wouldnt have ran out of the room. your more than the love of my life. and you know how much i would die to have him, but i would die if i lost you.

I love you.

- vicki and madi, in intermediate

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


this is just so sweet. i'd never realised how great heath was until he passed. and i am posting way too much, but it is always that way in the beginning.
-  g.

Monday, January 26, 2009

she was walking on the tables in the glass house

so its meant to be the middle of summer but i really do appreciate these rainy chch days where you have an excsue to be wrapped in a duvet on the couch watching tv with a hot cup of tea all day. iCarly gets tedious though



love actually?

you are.. filled with arrogant thoughts and no brains, waiting for you to fuck up not them was my revolution this year not to fall in love! but i couldn't fall out of love that easly. its hard knowing that i know your never going to reply. But only When you want physical affection from someone you do. everyones the same really, if you have half of something.. you wait for something better to come. i dont know whether its the fact that your amazingly beautiful or the fact that you were a lovely boy. But none of that even comes close to you now. your just a fucking moron. Nothing not even in a difficult language could desribe something so simple like you. even if its just the word ' dick'.
i miss you. but i cant!
i Might aswell start my new years revolution.
- madi.

a face to name!

m & g

salut my name is

Georgie. i also like to think i can play guitar and me and madi should really get round to starting that band. i dont like watching tv expect the occasional episode of top model  and skins which everyone seems to be watching these days. i dont like my school but cant be bothered moving, and dont want to leave my lovely friends.  my biffle  lives on a different island which is hard. i dont like when people ask me why i am vegetarian and i dont like explaining it. i wish i liked a boy! i used to like bad music but then i changed it to good music. i'll go to more gigs this year. man, this is sounding negative, but i am a happyhappy person, and like to surround myself with positive people! i love the simple things in life like when madi stays and we deepfry chips at midnight. 


madis life

hi! im madi!!!!!!!!!!!! and i like a boy!! a lovely boy! i like to think i can play guitar sometimes. i try and sing when im happy but normally turns shitty and fuck. mmmm dip with georgie.
smiling and laughing makes a person someone!  if they can laugh they can live! i like people that can be themself around everyone not acting different around different people. i hate when wannabes say they hate wannabes! and i hate people that do shitty dislike blogs!
i go to a school full of hoe bags and hoe downs! i belong to wespact bank! and
i hope to get my one Love.


new blog :k

so this is out blog that we decided to make. we consist of two people. two lifes. one mind. and one blog! this will be about lifelifelifelifelife and little elves. hello!

 :D +<